Every midnight snitches will give you a report about their colleagues’ opinions. Information includes:
– merc whining about high death rate,
– merc whining about player reputation,
– merc whining about his low morale,
– merc whining about some other merc (unliked, not only hated),
– merc planning to quit (leave without renewing contract, only AIM mercs) next day,
– merc whining about player inactivity,
– merc whining about player owing them money (you can only owe money to MERC mercs).
Information isn’t guaranteed. Chance of report depends on snitch’s leadership skills, mercs’ character traits (sociable/loner), relationships between mercs included, mercs being on the same assignment, etc. Only mercs in the same sector as snitch will be considered.
Reports are built together from merc’s nickname and event description (and eventually second merc’s name if merc whines about someone).
Recorded names are from DG, if specific name has no sound file (most of new mercs in JA2), it’s subtitle only. Since names are mentioned at the beginning and the end of message and most important part is still played in the middle, it’s not very distractive.